Pearl Beach Tennis & Bowls
The Pearl Beach Tennis & Recreation Club Incorporated is an incorporated organisation, independent of the Pearl Beach Progress Association that is included on this website for information to members and the community.

Pearl Beach Tennis & Recreation Club Inc.
The Club is responsible for organising and promoting tennis and other recreational activities through the provision and management of the Tennis Courts, Bowling Green and Clubhouse facilities. Our courts are located off Opal Close, adjacent to the Arboretum. President: Barbara Grantham Email:

Judy McFarlane has a list of permanent bookings and these are displayed on the noticeboard at the Courts. There are several social groups that you may wish to approach with a view to playing regularly. All regular players, including those with a group are expected to become members. If you are interested in joining a group please contact Judy.
Tennis Court Hire
- Fees are $15.00 per hour for Members
$20.00 per hour for Non-Members - Evening hire (using lights) fees are
$20.00 per hour for Members
$25.00 per hour for Non-Members
You can now book Tennis Courts Online Click on the following link for more details

The club has two accredited coaches.
They are Mark Rawlingson – 0412 834 336 and Wyatt Elliott – 0414 080 785
The Pearl Beach Bowling Green was officially opened on 4 November 1995 by Ruth Ridges, Judith Lego and Geoff Furnell. Since that time the rink has been in continual use.
Currently, several social groups play bowls each week:
Tuesday mornings Ladies 9.30 am to 11.30 am
Friday mornings Men’s 9.00 am to 11.00 am
For further information contact:
Robert: 0477 486 065
Bookings: Judy 0418 436 225