Beach Information

The Pearl Beach community hopes that everyone, both residents and visitors, enjoys this wonderful village, with its beach, and remain safe. PLEASE take the time to read the information below.
Pearl Beach has a vibrant community who are proactive in providing safety information and resources to help prevent future tragedies, There have been two recent drownings at Pearl Beach – a five-year-old boy drowned in July 2014 and a man in his 70s who tried to rescue a dog in March 2021. Pearl Beach has a unique beach morphology… the sand is quite different from the neighbouring Umina and Ocean Beaches. The shape of the beach, the direction it faces, and the specific type of sand found on the beach reveals just why the beach is so dangerous. The beach has a sudden drop off into deep water with surging waves that can sweep you into deep water. This is particularly dangerous for children and elderly people which matches the two people who drowned here. If there is a high east or southeast swell there is a strong and dangerous shore break, you will hear the boom of the waves! The middle to northern end of the beach is particularly dangerous for everyone – Young Children should not play in the water unsupervised.

Central Coast Ocean Quality Report
Ocean Temperature in Pearl Beach
Other Information
Walking around the shoreline at Green Point just beyond the sea pool : This is only advised at low tide and not after rain. The rocks can be very slippery and dangerous. In compliance with the law all rock fisherman should wear life jackets. (PFDs).
Fishing from the Beach : All fishermen should refrain from fishing near where people are swimming, should keep all bait and tackle securely stowed away and finally should remove all fishing items from the beach when finished. There have been a number of instances where discarded hooks have caused significant and costly injuries to animals and humans.
Dog Walking : Dogs are permitted off leash on the northern end of the beach. Dogs are not permitted, even on leash on the southern end of the beach : See map below.

BushFires : To arrive and leave Pearl Beach there is only one road which is surrounded by brushland. If there is any risk that a bushfire may be approaching Pearl Beach then EVERYONE should leave as soon as possible. The Rural Fire Service (RFS) have a motto “Its never too early to leave”.